The Federal Circuit weighed in on patent subject matter eligibility again last week, finding certain amino-acid containing dietary supplements, and related methods of use, to be patent eligible. In Natural Alternatives Int’l v. Creative Compounds, LLC, the Federal Circuit vacated the decision of the district court in the Southern District of California, which held that several sets of claims issued to Natural Alternatives International (“Natural”) were not directed to patentable subject matter under 35 USC § 101. The district court found the claims not patent eligible following a motion on the pleadings. Although the claims at issue included methods of treatment, composition, and process claims, this entry looks at the court’s decision with respect to methods. The decision could put some wind in the sails of developers of supplements and nutraceuticals. Continue Reading Federal Circuit Weighs in on Patent Subject-Matter Eligibility of Dietary Supplements
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The U.S. Trademark Office Opens The Door to Registering Certain Cannabis Trademarks
By Scott Miller on
Posted in Trademarks and Trade Dress
On May 2, 2019, the United States Trademark Office issued new Examination Guidelines for goods and services associated with cannabis and cannabis-derived products and services legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill.[1] This crack in the federal armor against the cannabis economy opens the door for the federal registration of trademark rights and is an important step toward normalizing the nation’s laws governing cannabis and cannabis-related business activities in states where such products are legal. Continue Reading The U.S. Trademark Office Opens The Door to Registering Certain Cannabis Trademarks